Korean War Veterans
In the early 1950’s when this war began
Men and Boys gave their all to take a stand
They fought hard through hot summers, and cold winters without fail
Giving their all, and sometimes even their lives for freedom to prevail
Many of the wars this nation has fought we don’t give enough honors too
To those of you who are veterans of Korea, we want to truly salute you
We show honor and praise to all veterans of every war on this day
But today we specifically would like to thank those who served in Korea so far away
How can we say thank you enough to all those men who died
We can salute them, and honor them with compassion and pride;
Knowing the sacrifice they gave, we stand proud and tall
We say “All Gave Some”, and “Some Gave All”!
We ask for God’s blessing on each and every one
Doing our best not to forget every father, and every son;
Thank you for your service to a nation strong and true
God bless you for your courage, and support of the Red, White, and Blue.
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